So are there cases where cutting corners and making shortcuts would be justifiable? Or shall we rather consider technical debt absolute evil one has to avoid at all costs? The answer, indeed, depends on whom you ask.In the world of corporate systems with long shelf lives and reasonable amount of up-front planning, it would be hard to justify technical debt except for urgent business critical hotfixes.
However, startups live in a completely different world, and one really has to understand “the rules of the game” before making any conclusions. For a startup at its earliest stages, validating the business idea within the available budget and time constraints is a question of life and death. It’s a cruel world, really: if the startup runs out of money or misses an opportunity window without a working MVP, game over.
Now, where does this take us in terms of technical debt? Simple: throughout the relatively short period from formation to MVP, accrued technical debt rarely has any significant impact on product quality and development speed.