Evgeniy Chetvertak is a Software Testing expert with over 9 years of experience and most of it in domain of interactive gambling games development covering phases from creation and customization to support. Evgeniy confides his thoughts on how Haxe can unchain game development.

Evgeniy, the rise of Flash evoked the development of whole industries, including games. What exactly has changed?

Time – that’s what changed. Flash came out over twenty years ago. Initially, it scored a great success; in its day, the technology significantly influenced production of online content. However, being a highly sought after solution for creating and running web games, animated ads, music and video players, the number of platform-specific flaws increased over the years. Eventually, it got its two primary, in my opinion, negative characteristics – unstable and insecure. Frequent runtime errors resulted in denials of both applications and, in some cases, the entire browser while multiple security vulnerabilities often put end users under high risk of being hacked.

Haxe to Unchain Game Development