Increasing Customer Loyalty Through UX/UI Updates

The energy industry is experiencing considerable changes in saving and increasing power efficiency in terms of real-time usage monitoring, data analytics, and systems controls. Modern solutions allow for the analysis of energy consumption by a business and the identification of cost-intensive areas where power-saving efforts should be focused.

Our client, a global leader in the research, development, and manufacturing of energy management products, has been creating cutting-edge solutions used in over 60 countries since 1987. Their platform collects, archives, and analyzes energy and power quality data that allows multiple users to view information about consumption, produce sophisticated reports, implement cost-saving plans, and create automated billing systems. However, they have faced a problem:  high-demand features that the business provides have to be converted into an accessible user interface as clients always evaluate the product from their users’ experience.

Improving UI/UX for energy management software

The Sigma Software team has a solid UI/UX background, which allows us to get a complete idea of customer`s product goals and strengths. Having this in mind, several months ago one of our clients entrusted our team with the transformation of the existing design concept into a comprehensive user interface that would be competitive, meaningful, and clear for all end-customers worldwide.

While starting the project, one of the challenges our team has faced was to represent large amounts of data in the most accessible way. To efficiently cover the needs of the client, our experts started by analyzing the existing product and identifying the bottlenecks in the customer journey.

“Thinking several steps ahead of user behavior helps a business to increase customer loyalty and satisfaction. If the interface is difficult to use and does not solve the customer’s key problems, they won`t stay with you for long. Creating compelling prototypes is the joint work of business owners, users, and design experts, where every part of the process should operate in concert with other parts. That’s what our team focused on while working on the project,” shares Artem Kostenko, Art Director at Sigma Software.

Software Engineering
Are you looking for a team to create or improve UX/UI of your product or solution?
Take a look at our Design Portfolio.

After analyzing how the existing energy management software looks for the end-user, our team optimizes the platform in terms of thought-out and intuitive task flows and layouts for the user dashboard. We provide our client with schematic improvements that we can offer in the interface design, and after discussing all the pros and cons, our team creates final prototypes on both desktop and mobile devices. After the redesign, the platform looks much more comprehensive for users and allows the client to satisfy user needs and get more customers around the world. In addition, our design solution includes a UI kit for customer`s developers that they can use in future realizations.

We are pleased to help our client get the best out of their product, as it takes just a glance to form the first impression from interactions with your services, and these impressions can define the success of the whole business.

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