New Partner Product to Complete our Digital Banking Offering

Having a broad Fintech expertise and network, we can spot innovative products that can facilitate digitalization for our customers in the Banking industry. Sigma Software unites such products in our partner ecosystem to provide time- and cost-efficient solutions to cover the needs of current and potential clients.

Our new partner product – Trigger Neobank Engine (TNBE) – enables financial institutions to get a fully functional mobile banking app in just 6 months with a fixed price if all requirements are met. TNBE provides 300+ screens with the best UX banking patterns and over 150 processes: from onboarding with online liveness check to P2P money transfers.

Digital Banking Product Trigger

Photo credit: Trigger

Trigger Interface Constructor and low/no-code tools allow business units to support the solution and enhance it with the new features. Managers without programming skills are able to design new screens and even multi-step scenarios.

The tech team that created the product has a deep fintech and banking expertise. They worked on a large online banking solution with over 20 million users and obtained a tremendous experience implementing a wide range of digital services for individuals l and legal entities, integrations with state and municipal systems, and ensuring cybersecurity for all those clients. This experience multiplied by innovative technology is embodied in our new partner product Neobank Engine.

Hanna Khrystianovych, Head of Partnerships at Sigma Software

“With Trigger Neobank Engine, we can furnish full-scale digitalization for our clients in the Finance and Banking industry. Trigger enables providing banking services via digital means at incredible speed, while other products, like Aura Cloud and Corezoid, ensure deeper layers digitalization. Since we use proven platforms, our clients save time, money, and transition efforts,” says Hanna Khrystianovych, Head of Partnerships at Sigma Software.

“All products I’ve mentioned are complementary to each other and easily integrated. However, if our clients need something specific in addition to Digital Banking, we have a team of over 2000 IT specialists to do whatever they need.”

Banking offer from Trigger Neobank

Photo credit: Trigger

“Trigger Neobank Engine helps banks, fintechs, credit unions, retailers, telcos to launch their own digital neobank. Customers can have a digital neobank up and running in 6 months at a fixed cost, with an opportunity to easily develop and add new features in the future.

We have proved it with a recent successful launch of a mobile banking app for a European bank serving about a million clients,” adds Max Bondar, CEO & Founder of Trigger Software, the company that created Trigger Neobank Engine.

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