
Sigma Software news and articles from the world of IT consulting and outsourcing: software development hints and tricks, best practices in Project and Product Management, stories of creating efficient IT solutions, overviews of tech events we visit, and much more.


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Tech insights

Software Development Team in London
Tech for Well-being and Healing: Results of t...

22 teams from 5 countries presented anti-war tech solutions with a focus on mental health, well-being, territories demining, and other war issues. The competiti...

Cross-European Hackathon
Sigma Software Together with Tech Nation UK L...

Sigma Software Group continues to contribute to the peace in Ukraine and not only. Our employees have donated around $340,000 to humanitarian aid and military n...

Alexandra Govorukha - Head of Growth in the UK and Israel
Industries That Can Prevail Amidst Coronaviru...

The world has become a different place as coronavirus continues to spread, with country-wide quarantines and ‘shelter in place’ orders becoming the new reality ...