
Sigma Software news and articles from the world of IT consulting and outsourcing: software development hints and tricks, best practices in Project and Product Management, stories of creating efficient IT solutions, overviews of tech events we visit, and much more.


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Sigma Software wins Partnership for Sustainability Award 2023
Sigma Software Won the Partnership for Sustai...

October 17, 2023, Sigma Software received Partnership for Sustainability Award 2023 by UN Global Compact Ukraine for its efforts in building equality and gender...

Outsourcing Destinations for Healthcare IT Development
Top Healthcare Outsourcing Destinations: East...

This article compares healthcare IT outsourcing in Eastern Europe and South America, outlining the pros and cons of each. We focus on key considerations such as...

Sigma Software at IT Arena 2023
IT Arena 2023: Everything AI, Cybersec, E-gov...

The tenth anniversary of IT Arena has flooded the Lviv city center with tech professionals, marketers, company founders, startups, investors, and others. Around...

Smart City concept presentation
Valery Krasovsky Presented Smart City Project...

On September 19, “Kharkiv: Restart” investment forum took place in Kyiv welcoming more than 500 participants. At the forum Valery Krasovsky, CEO and Co-founder ...

Corporate Engagement Awards - Sigma Software
Sigma Software Group Got 5 Awards for CSR and...

For the first time, Sigma Software Group took part in Corporate Engagement Awards with striking results. We received 5 awards for CSR/communications projects an...

Blockchain in Fintech
Mastering Blockchain in Fintech

The immense potential of blockchain makes this technology extremely popular across various industries including fintech. Applying blockchain in fintech products...

Technology investor Nishant Nayyar - Advisory Board of Sigma Software Group
Nishant Nayyar, Seasoned Tech Investor, Joins...

Sigma Software Group is glad to announce that seasoned technology investor Nishant Nayyar has joined the Advisory Board of Sigma Software Group. Based in London...

Startup Summit in Florianópolis
Sigma Software Brazil Takes Part in Startup S...

In August, Sigma Software’s Brazil division took part in the Startup Summit in Florianópolis, the city with the highest density of startups per capita in Brazil...

Sigma Software Group joins Aero Montreal, aerospace cluster of excellence in Quebec, Canada
Sigma Software Group Joins Aero Montreal

In a move that signifies a noteworthy stride in the aviation industry, Sigma Software Group has become a member of Aero Montreal, the aerospace cluster of excel...