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Since IT creates solutions for many industries, software developers need to delve into specifics of various quite unexpected areas. One of the industries that g...

Sigma team has supported Lynk & Co in providing a total experience for the user guide to be launched together with the car's launch on the European market. ...

Let’s start with a definition of technical debt just in case you have not heard this term before. You can find quite a number of wordings on the web; I personal...

Many of us have at least once faced integrations with 3rd party Services on our projects. We usually test such functionality manually, authorizing through such ...

Ukrainian-Israeli Innovation Summit 2020 was broadcast from the Sigma Software Kyiv office on October 27th. The international tech conference was organized for ...

Sigma Software sends warm congratulations to Carl Vikingsson, President and CEO at Sigma Technology Group, Chairman of Sigma Software Board of Directors, who af...

In today`s environment, now that distant working has become the new normal, digital workplaces and remote collaboration tools are among the keys to ensure...

I’ve heard it many times: “We’ve run through our competitors and compiled the list of features they have.” And the next ones usually go as “Now we have a b...

Sigma Software has developed a mobile application from scratch for a Canadian charitable organization. The solution will serve great aims – promoting sports act...