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Now is a good time to play games; gaming or gambling – it doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters today is social distancing.

The casino game world is very conservative; this conservativeness is apparent from all sides, beginning with game titles, which have not changed in decades. How...

How can you come out a winner when the world’s economy is in trouble?

With all the events taking place worldwide the recent months, many businesses are experiencing turbulent times and looking for new opportunities, as well as con...

What I love about startups is that they are first to address any pain, be it a business weakness or an everyday inconvenience. The whole world now struggles wit...

Android introduced fragments in Android 3.0 (API level 11) primarily to support more dynamic and flexible UI designs on large screens, such as tablets. Because ...

Coronavirus has had a significant impact on the lives of people around the world, and its influence is growing steadily. In many countries, authorities impose u...

Would you feel enthusiastic if it turned out that you had underspent budget on your project? Would you be excited if your customer asked to scale up a team beca...

Sigma Software launched Open Tech Week project three years ago to put together tech meetups, knowledge sharing sessions, education, and charity initiative. Over...