
Sigma Software news and articles from the world of IT consulting and outsourcing: software development hints and tricks, best practices in Project and Product Management, stories of creating efficient IT solutions, overviews of tech events we visit, and much more.


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OurCrowd Insights - 5 Coolest Startups
Startups in Ukraine: Where You Can Find Suppo...

Valery Krasovsky, CEO and co-founder of Sigma Software, has shared his ideas on how IT service companies give a boost to the startup movement in the April issue...

OurCrowd Insights - Israel Startups Know-How
My OurCrowd Insights: Trends Over the Next 10...

Recently, I visited the 2020 OurCrowd Global Investor Summit in Jerusalem. I was so enthralled by the event that I would like to share some of my insights about...

Business with Sweden - Fika Time at Sigma Cafe
What You Need to Know Before Going to Sweden

Sigma Software is a part of Swedish Sigma Group since 2006, so we have a vast experience in communications with this country. We know what is important for Swed...