
Sigma Software news and articles from the world of IT consulting and outsourcing: software development hints and tricks, best practices in Project and Product Management, stories of creating efficient IT solutions, overviews of tech events we visit, and much more.


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Tech insights

Develop Android Auto App
Delivering an Android Car App for an Internat...

In the recent years, the concept of a car and transportation has been reconsidered. A vehicle is no longer just a mechanical device. It becomes digital, integra...

Automotive Software Solutions
Car as a Digital Device: Should we Anticipate...

Sigma Software Automotive Industry Expert, Sergio Salenko, explores the idea of a connected vehicle as a digital device and passes on his thoughts about possibl...

Development of IVI Systems
The Past and the Future of In-Vehicle Infotai...

The usual purpose of a vehicle – fast and safe transportation – has been recently extended to new ones, such as getting information, communication, and entertai...

Microsoft CRM Customization
Sigma Software awarded as one of the Most Pro...

We are glad to share that Sigma Software makes to the list of CIOReview’s 100 Most Promising Microsoft Solution Providers 2016. CIOReview is a California-based ...