Automotive Software Design

Automotive market dynamics pushes players to drive innovation, but enterprise processes are seldom tailored for the required agility level. Outsourced innovation and R&D services help enterprises source/test novel ideas faster, with little impact on the core development processes.
- Technical feasibility studies
- PoCs and prototypes development
- Startup pre-selection for innovation sourcing

Our experts will help you choose, customize, and integrate the right COTS for short time-to-market or develop a custom solution to cover the non-trivial functionality. We always keep the focus on your business needs and seek for ways to address those in a smart and optimal way.
- Turn-key solutions development
- Out-of-the-box systems customizations and integration
- Evolutionary software product development
- Dedicated teams establishment

Our top-tier SLA-based support and maintenance services are aimed at safeguarding that your business systems and vehicle software operate flawlessly and in line with your needs and expectations. We carefully track all KPIs and optimize processes to deliver the most value.
- L1-3 Support
- Peak resources for in-house support teams
- Support processes set-up & optimization
- Systems & infrastructure monitoring and management

Automotive is going through massive transformation. New business models & services call for modern solutions and technologies capable of supporting these innovations. Our experts will novelize your IT ecosystem, align it with current needs, and fortify against future challenges.
- Enterprise IT ecosystem optimization and modernization
- Legacy systems carve-out & replacement
- Migration and re-platforming
- Re-architecting, incl. migration from monolith to microservices