Information Technology
IT industry develops rapidly with new technologies and specializations emerging every day. Any IT company may find that it is missing a rare specialist or just needs to extend its workforce for a certain period. Sigma Software is ready to lend its shoulder to enterprises and startups whenever they need it.
Services and Dedicated Teams for Enterprises
Sigma Software cooperates with IT companies according to a variety of business models to precisely match clients’ needs. Our extensive competence and flexibility in the cooperation model ensure clients’ satisfaction. Main business models include a hosted team, a dedicated team, time and materials, and a fixed budget project.
- Java
- .NET
- JavaScript
- Testing
Specific Development Lifecycle for Startups
Startups live by their own rules different from conventional companies’ development strategies. Sigma Software has originated a startup lifecycle built according to these rules. The lifecycle addresses the startups changing nature and helps them carve out their market niche in the shortest term. To meet the need to attract investments, the startup lifecycle by Sigma Software includes the stages of a promo website and promo prototype development to give investors the look and feel of the startup product.
Startup Lifecycle
- Workshop
- Core Architecture
- Promo Web Site
- Promo Prototype
- Minimum Viable Product
- Evolutionary Development
IT Consulting
The range of IT means and tools is extremely wide. Sigma Software helps companies choose the right combination of them to meet their business goals. Due to comprehensive competence, we find the most efficient solutions for our clients and open new business opportunities for them.