Fraud Warning Disclaimer

Sigma Software takes all information regarding suspicious or fraudulent activities very seriously. Please be aware that certain individuals might approach you, by falsely presenting themselves as our representative. Under this false pretense, they might try to gain access to your personal information or to acquire money or other valuables from you.

Please note that Sigma Software does not:

  • request your credentials, personal and bank account details in any communication that you receive via a social network (Facebook, Instagram, or Linkedin) or messengers (Facebook Messenger, Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp, etc.)
  • send communication from personal email addresses hosted on domains such as Yahoo, Hotmail, Gmail, etc. Any communication that is sent from Sigma Software is only sent from our registered domain name
  • request for fees for any purpose during or after the hiring process

If you receive what you believe is a virus, phishing, spam, or fraudulent email or message from any individual purporting to represent Sigma Software, please email us at forwarding the email or message.