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Business practices

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Tech insights

Microsoft 365 Consulting Services
Interview with a Microsoft 365 Pro: Is Digita...

In today`s environment, now that distant working has become the new normal, digital workplaces and remote collaboration tools are among the keys  to ensure...

Competitive Analysis
Mythbusters: Competitive Analysis Does Not Eq...

I’ve heard it many times: “We’ve run through our competitors and compiled the list of features they have.” And the next ones usually go as “Now we have a b...

Facilitate Advertising for Media
Tech Tools to Make Media More Digital

The world is fast, but the world of information is ten times faster. A media professional faces an endless race for news and facts and they might use some helpe...

Microsoft 365 Consulting Services
Digital Workplace, Remote Collaboration, and ...

Though the necessity of digital transformation becomes increasingly evident for officers and top managers with every new day of the pandemic, doing this in real...

Inhouse vs Outsourced IT Support
In-House vs Outsourced IT Support: What Model...

Today when people adapt to the new reality and remote work becomes commonplace for most of us, the format of modernized business operations is the number 1 prio...

Cybersecurity - Make IT Project More Secure
Security for PM: 5 Ways to Make Your Project ...

In the first part of this article, we have talked about the ways in which your customers may check if your statements of the security matter in your company lin...

Digital Transformation Trends and Challenges
Key Insights on Digital Transformation for Ba...

A series of free webinars by Sigma Software continues its mission to guide businesses on the issues of coping with accelerated change associated with the pandem...

Continuous Improvement Process for IT Projects
4 Tools for Finding Improvement Ideas for You...

Before answering the question “Where do I get ideas to improve the project processes,” let’s figure out if any improvements are necessary at all. Maybe things w...

Explaining improvement ideas
How to Get Your Ideas Heard by the Business?

We often get deeply involved with the project we are working on, aspiring to make it a success and become part of that success.