
Sigma Software news and articles from the world of IT consulting and outsourcing: software development hints and tricks, best practices in Project and Product Management, stories of creating efficient IT solutions, overviews of tech events we visit, and much more.


Business practices

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Tech insights

Sigma Software CSR Report
Sigma Software Chooses to Keep CSR Standards ...

Sigma Software issues its annual CSR report to demonstrate company`s ongoing efforts to contribute to creating a strong and stable sustainable environment for I...

Sigma Software CSR - IT Events
Working with Americans

Sigma Software has been working with the US customers since its very founding in 2002. For years, we’ve been expanding our presence in the USA. Now, in 2017, we...

Italian Business Style
Italian Business Style

As a large international company, we have partners and clients in many countries. It’s very fruitful if you, like me, enjoy traveling, getting to know new peopl...