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Tech insights

Slot Game Trends
Haxe to Unchain Game Development

In the summer of 2017, Adobe reported on their official blog about Flash demission in 2020. At the same time, many businesses working in the field of games deve...

Run on Simulator
Unidirectional architectures over ReactiveSwi...

In the article Unidirectional Architectures over ReactiveSwift - Part I: Redux, we have discussed state managements with predictable state containers like ...

ReSwift app scheme
Unidirectional Architectures over ReactiveSwi...

Shared mutable state is the root of all evil. © Henrik Eichenhardt

Android Things at Raspberry Pi
Android Things at Raspberry Pi3

Today I would like to share with you our experience in using Android Things with the world's most popular single board computer Raspberry Pi3.

What is Devops
What is DevOps?

Yes, I do know that if you google this query, the search will give you 91,300 links. And if you read all entries from the first page with results, you can succe...

Microservices with Java EE
Microservices with Java EE

Nowadays Java EE platform actively evolves respectively to modern trends. One of these trends is Microservice Architecture. In this article, I focus on developm...

Python programming language
Static Type Checking in Python

Starting from version 3.5, support of optional static typing was added to Python. PEP 484 -- Type Hints was approved and implemented. This PEP adds support of o...

Vuforia Object recognition process
AR: Experimenting with Vuforia Object Recogni...

Nowadays Augmented Reality (AR) is getting more and more popular in mobile world. A lot of new AR applications are published every day. The reasons for that are...

Sigma Software developers are discussing some topic
CellAdapter: a Simpler Way to Use RecyclerVie...

In terms of Android development, Adapter is a design pattern that separates business logic from view creation, handles mapping a bunch of data and dispatching u...